This Website

There are many reasons why someone could decide to play Guild Wars 2 with a free account:

  • your boyfriend/girlfriend asked you to try the game, but you do it just to make him/her happy
  • you already play another game, but last update was horrible and you want to take a break
  • you are a child and your parents don’t want to buy an MMO for you
  • you are very short on money or live in a country where it’s not possible to buy anything online
  • you have money but not enough free time to play more than 2 hours per week
  • you already have a paid account in GW2, but you find the game overwhelming and you want some new challenge

For all these people, I hope these few pages will help to find some quick info (gear, stats, activities…) tailored for you. The official wiki has everything you may need, but it also contains many things that free-to-play accounts don’t need or are not able to acquire in game.

Guild Wars 2 is probably the best MMO to play if you don’t have a lot of time: you don’t have to constantly gear up your character (there is not even a PvP gear!) but it also offers many challenges. Unlike the majority of the MMOs, the expansions/DLC/paid content don’t increase your level cap and don’t bring any new better gear; you will lose some features (like the gliding and the mounts), but you won’t be necessarily weaker than the others. Playing with a F2P account is then totally fine. However, if you like the game, consider to upgrade your account buying an expansion: ArenaNet really deserves some support for the great job 😉
